Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

With your head in the cloud. Scientists predict a brain-cloud connection by the end of the century

Scientists predict that later this century, advances in nanotechnology will lead to a brain-cloud computing interface. This will give people real-time access to vast knowledge and computing power. Communication, education, work and in general the whole world as we know it today will be transformed.

What once seemed like science fiction fantasies is now slowly becoming a reality. Just a few decades ago, the Internet as we know it today, in ogole did not exist. The rapid evolution of technology has led to the fact that today many osob is connected to the network at all times. Many can’t imagine life without it. Technological progress is happening before our eyes, and scientists analyzing these changes have been tempted to make some predictions about our future.

Imagine future technology, ktora provides instant access to entire resourcesoin the world’s knowledge, to powerful computing power and artificial intelligence, simply by thinking about a specific topic or question. Such technology will certainly change our lives.

International teamoĊ‚ scientistsow led by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing published in the journal „Frontiers in Neuroscience” very interesting predictions. According to scientists, rapid advances in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence and computing will lead later this century to the development of an interface connecting neurons and synapses in the human mozgu with extensive real-time cloud computing networks.

The concept of an interface linking human mozg with cloud computing (B/CI interface – Human Brain/Cloud Interface) was proposed by inventor Ray Kurzweil, whoory suggested that neural nanorobots could be used to connect the cortex mozg human mozgu with „synthetic cortex mozgowa” in cloud computing.

The neural nanorobots are the brainchild of Robert Freitas, senior author of the publication. They could provide direct monitoring and control of signalow z comorec mozg in real time.

– These devices would navigate the human vascular system, cross the blood-mozg and precisely autopositioned themselves inside the body, and even inside the comorek mozgowych. They could wirelessly transmit coded information to and from supercomputer networksoin the cloud to monitor the state of moThe future of supercomputing and real-time data extraction – explained Freitas.

The authors of the publication claim that such a connection would allow information to be downloaded to mozgu in the style seen in the movie Matrix. – The B/CI interface, inomediated by neural nanorobots, can give individuals instant access to all the cumulative human knowledge available in the cloud, while dramatically improving human learning ability and intelligence – awarded the coohe author of the publication, Dr. Nuno Martins.

But B/CI technology can roalso be the foundation for future „global supermozgu”, ktory would connect the mozgi poszczegolnych humans and artificial intelligence. While it may sound unbelievable, like out of a Hollywood production, that doesn’t mean it’s just a fantasy. In a sense, we are already halfway there. In fact, the B/CI interface is a development of today’s Internet.

Researchers in the publication referred to the experimentow with an interface mozg-mozg conducted last year. Researchers from the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon University used such an interface to connect mozgi three osob. The interface developed by the researchers allowed three people to co-ocooperation and wspolne solving tasks using direct communication mozg-mozg. In an experiment to test the functionality of the interface, participants were instructed to take part in a game similar to Tetris. Scientists swoj interface they named BrainNet.

„We present BrainNet, whichory, to our knowledge, is the first multi-user, non-invasive, direct interface mozg-mozg to wspolent problem solvingow” – wrote the study authors in the introduction to the publication. The interface combines electroencephalography (EEG) to record impulsiveoin electrical mozg and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), where neurons are stimulated with pol magnetic, in order to non-invasively deliver information to mozgu. For more on this topic, see text: connected mozgi three osob enabling them to share their thoughts.

– Although the BrainNet system is not yet a detailedolnie advanced, it has already been tested, enabling the exchange of thought-based information between individualolnymi mozgami through the cloud,” explained Martins. – The system used recorded pulseow electric „sendersow” and from magnetic stimulation „recipientsow”, allowing the performance of wspolnych tasks – added.

– Developmentsoj neuronanorobotics will allow for the creation of future supermesozgow, whichore will be able to harness the thoughts and computing power of any number of people and machines in real time. Such wspolna consciousness could revolutionize democracy, enhance empathy and ultimately unite culturally zrodiverse groups into a truly global society – assessed Martins.

According to the paper’s authors, existing supercomputers already have processing speeds capable of handling the necessary amount of neural data for B/CI. And they are becoming faster and faster. But before we connect our mozgi many problems remain to be solvedow. The most important, according to the authoroin the article, is fast enough data transfer. – This challenge includes not only finding the right bandwidth for global data transmission, but also brings together the problem of exchanging data between neurons and the cloud via small devices embedded deep in the mozgu – explained Martins.

One of the proposed by the authorow solutions is to use magnetoelectric nanoparticles to effectively enhance communication between neurons and the cloud. – Such nanoparticles have already been used in mice to clutch external pol magnetic fields with neural electric fields – That is, for signal detection and local amplificationoin magnetic, and thus to change the electrical activity of the neuronow. This roalso can work the other way around: electrical signals produced by neurons and nanorobots can be amplified using magneto-electric nanoparticles to enable their detection outside the skull – explained Martins.

Although perhaps the biggest challenge, and also the riskiest moment, would be the introduction of these nanoparticles and nanorobotsow safely to mozgu. – A detailedohe biodistribution and biocompatibility of nanoparticles before they can be considered for human development. Nevertheless, with these and other promising technologies, developingoj B/CI could become a reality before the turn of the century, Martins concluded.