Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

As we can see the Polish space sector? The first image report of the industry

The space sector, previously associated mainly with science, has today become an important part of business development. Its evolution should be followed by a proper change in communication. The potential of the industry in this regard is presented in the “Report nt. image of the Polish space sector in Poland”, which was commissioned by the Industrial Development Agency. The originator of the first of its kind in Poland is the European Space Foundation, which also took substantive supervision over the creation of the publication. Planet PR company was responsible for its preparation, the media part of the report was prepared by PRESS-SERVICE Media Monitoring.

The report was based on qualitative research conducted among theod companies gathered in the Employers’ Associationoin the Space Sector, representatives of public institutions supporting the space sector and journalists covering this topic. The study was enriched by a comprehensive media analysis of publications, ktore released in 2017.

The report revealed, despite the media activity of leading companies and institutions, the still undeveloped communication potential of the space sector. This may be due to the fact that there is still a shortage of subjects on the marketoin, whoore are able to clearly but effectively communicate this branch of the industry. For representatives of the space industry, investorsoin, supporting institutions, as well as journalists is at the same time a signal that deepening the awareness of the recipients of theow nt. The potential of this industry is extremely important.

– The space sector’s commercialization process is forcing it to change the way it communicates with the outside world. The message must become more businesslike – highlights Paweł Pacek, Deputy Director of the Development and Innovation Office of the IDA S.A.

A study of communications to date showed The impact of the discussion taking place wokoł of the Polish Space Agency on the image of the entire sector in Poland and a positive assessment of the ogoln the reception of communications nt. industry. Respondents identified the Space Sector Forum (an industry forum) and the European Rover Challenge (a massive popular science event) as the most important events.

– Topics thatora most often appeared in the media is space research and developmentoj and investments – mowi Izabela Grzechnik, senior medi analystoPRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediow. – A considerable amount of space was devoted to roAlso information about the need to hire new employeesoby entities of the space sector. Analysis of the publication showed that the roalso about subsidies to companies and funds donated for new equipment, indicating the stable development of theoj this branch of the economy.

photo: press inf

The report singles outolionized were also topics thatore generated the most media interestoin the past year. Amongod information, whichore enjoyed popularity were These include the clamping mechanism project being carried out by SENER for the European Space Agency, the start of construction of the Hypersat satellite platform by Creotech, the confusion wokoThe Polish Space Agency, due to the publication of a report by the Supreme Audit Office evaluating the functioning of the agency to date, and publications on the. prospects for the Polish space sector after the first 5-year period of membership in the European Space Agency.

The report also analyzed the attitude of companies operating in the space industry in terms of communication activity, brand accessibility to journalists, and the number of communications sent outow. Based on these criteria, the wyroThe 5 most active entities were mentionedow: Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Creotech Instruments S.A., Institute of Communications, the Polish Armaments Group S.A. and SENER Sp. z o.o.

The qualitative analysis included in the report shows that in the media about the space industry in 2017 mowi³ good. Half of the 7,500 pieces of information were characterized by a positive tone. Publications overwhelmingly appeared on the Internet, with industry portals leading the way. The study of the data also showed that about the space sector – although this is a broad topic – very often written only in krotic mentions. Social media was also a very important communication channel for the industry.

– The report confirmed that the space sector has, from a PR perspective, a really „good cards” – with strong brands, wyromending events and strong opinion leaders – mowi Lukasz Wilczynski, expert on. space sector communication with Planet PR. – Thus, it is necessary to actively take up the challenges of building wspolna brand of the Polish space sector and its appropriate communication, as it has already wkrotce has a chance to wyros to be seen in the international arena.