Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The start of the next edition of the European Rover Challenge 2019 has been announced

The start of the next edition of the ERC International Martian Robot Competition has been announced, which this year will take place on September 13-15 on the campus of Kielce University of Technology in Kielce. In addition, it was announced that Poland had joined the European Commission’s space robotics cluster PERASPERA.

The beginning of February is full of news from the Polish space sector. Poland in the world of robotics is taking stronger and stronger steps, zarowno in this industrial and mobile as well as space. – We also have a growing demand for personnel in the space industry, related to the growing potential of Polish companies and institutions, which we have observed for several years, and their participation in an increasing number of missions and projectsoin space – mowi Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin.

Registration of teams for the fifth edition of the European Rover Challenge has just begun. This prestigious international event is attracting more and more enthusiasts every yearoin space and robotics. – The 2018 competition was very popular. As many as 65 teams from 20 countries registered to participateow from all over the world. This is a real record, whichory works on us – organizerow, highly motivating – mowi Lukasz Wilczynski, President of the European Space Foundation.

– Through rohe variety of events accompanying the competition strives to show how rapidly the space-robotics area is developing in our country and how the opportunities for everyone to participate in it are steadily increasingoers have space DNA in their blood. We are aware that thanks to events such as the ERC, ktore was included in the National Space Program, more and more young people, studentoin technical colleges, discovers and develops a passion for it, whichora then becomes the key to a career in the space industry,” adds. In the plans of the organizerow is also a conference and mentoring and business workshops, providing a platform for the exchange of information, knowledge and opportunities for development in the areas of science, business, new technology and space.

In addition, the President of the Polish Space Agency Grzegorz Brona announced the international wspohe cooperation of Poland with the European robotics consortium Strategic Research Cluster PERASPERA, concerting the planning, development and harmonization of space robotics technologies. The task of the PERASPERA cluster is to develop a roadmap for the development of robotics technology in Europe and support the European Commission in organizing the tenderow for robotics solutions under Horizon 2020 and its next edition, Horizon Europe.

– Space robotics is undoubtedly one of the areas ofoin the strongest growth of the Polish space sector. This is why it was so important for us to join the European cluster PERASPERA. Our membership allows us to better influence European policy for the development of robotic technologies, and to take full account of the experience and ambitions of our national space sector – emphasizes Grzegorz Bron.

Swietokrzyska University of Technology has been selected as the host of the European Rover Challenge in 2019, ktothe university’s team has already been successful several times during the competitionow. Giving many opportunities to the Polytechnic campus, the excellent location in the center of the city, and, above all, the involvement of this prestigious technical university in the development of theoj Polish space and robotic area, it is only someore from the aspect of theoin influencing the decision on the location of this year’s edition of the ERC.

– European Rover Challenge is not only a competition for young enthusiastsow techniques. This is primarily to test solutions for the so-called. high technology. Their organization at Kielce University of Technology is a confirmation of the prestige of our university, whichowhich in recent times has been clearly oriented towards the commonohe cooperation with industry and developmentoj modern technologies. It is also a recognition of our past successoin this area – mowi prof. Wieslaw Trąmpczyński, Rector of Swietokrzyska University of Technology. – For our part, we will do everything to make the competition go as well as possible – adds.

International Robot CompetitionoThis is not the first time that the Martian ERC will be hosted by the Voivodshiposwietokrzyskie voivodship. It was Podzamcze near Chęciny, near Kielce, that was the arena of the first robot strugglesoin martian in 2014.

– The European Rover Challenge fits perfectly into the Strategy of the VoivodshipoThe Swietokrzyskie region, whichoone of the mainownych goalow is the focus on building human capital and a base for an innovative economy. ERC also contributes to improving the climate for innovation, dissemination of new technologies and commercialization of knowledge in the region, whichory has long seen it as an opportunity for development in the most modern industries – concludes the Marshal of the Voivodshipodztwa Świętokrzyskie Andrzej Bętkowski.